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S’LAM Youth Hub

The Steeles L’Amoreaux Youth Working Group is a collaboration of youth groups such as Gashanti UNITY, Youth in Power, and the Bay Mills Youth Council.  Through the use of capacity building initiatives, we come together to support and strengthen youth in the neighbourhood and around the City by building healthy and vibrant communities.  Our goal is to work together to support youth that live in the underserviced and racialized communities in Steeles L’Amoreaux.

Over the past year, we approached Toronto Community Housing and the Youth Challenge Fund about supporting us.  We proposed creating a youth-governed, youth-led space for young people to access from across the Steeles L’Amoreaux area.  So far, we have been committed a TCHC space at 365 Bay Mills Blvd. and $1.8 million from the YCF.  By shaping and designing the space to become more relevant and adaptable to youth, the group hopes to target community problems, generate innovation and create opportunities for the youth who will utilize it.

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